Factory Scheduled Maintenance- We do all kinds of factory recommended maintenance based on factory recommended intervals/ items...
Timing Belt
Timing Belt replacement is one of the most important maintenance. Generally, most of Asian-imported vehicles have been equipped with an 'INTERFERENCE Engine' which MOST...
Tune up
We service 'Complete (Major) Tune up', and 'Minor Tune up'. Complete Tune up includes replacing Spark Plugs, Ignition wires (if needed), Distributor Cap/ Rotor (if equipped)...
Welcome to Japanese Auto Clinic!

Specializes in Japanese vehicles; provides top of the line check-ups and diagnostic equipment to fix air conditioners, timing belts, brakes and engines.

Japanese Auto clinic is the answer for all your automotive needs.
Our experienced technicians are ASE Certified, and Japanese Auto Clinic is here to keep your vehicles, healthy, happy, and strong.